Tuesday, December 20, 2011

VLC on Windows 7: what to do when the films are "jagged"

If you use VLC media player under Windows 7, it is possible that the video quality is quite low: glaring imperfections on the edges of the images and subtitles almost unreadable. Waiting for a fix, the problem is around it.

VLC on Windows 7: what to do when the films are

Simply search for the term "pixelation" on the forum of VLC media player to run into more than 30 discussions focused on a single topic: the beloved media player (software, for one, has freed users from the nightmare of codecs Windows) tends to show ill-defined images, especially when it was used in the new Windows 7



The problem, as is evident by looking at the detail circled in the picture above, is particularly visible on the edges of the images and subtitles: severely "jagged" and imprecise.

The fault should be corrected permanently from VLC 1.1.

This is a detail of the previous image: the left is shown the image as displayed on a computer infected with the problem, the one displayed on the right hand of one in which there is no

The responsibility for this failure, according to statement from the support team, would not so much attributable to the program, because the video driver: before it can be solved then it is necessary that producers release versions properly optimized and purified from the specific bugs of their own control software.

What to do in the meantime? It is certainly possible to look for alternate player, but for those who want to be tied to VLC, the solutions are mainly two.

Switch to DirectX

The first solution is to set the output module of DirectX Video Output .

To do this, select the item Preferences Tools menu , enable the display of all settings in the lower left, expand the branch Video and bring of output modules .

Here select DirectX Video Output from the drop-down menu, then click Save and restart VLC for changes to take effect


Now try again to open a movie that was previously not displayed correctly: it should have solved the hassle


But note that this operation makes the player is incompatible with the Aero graphical interface, which means that the operating system will automatically switch to Basic mode each time VLC starts, unless automatically restore the graphics program will be developed as soon as the ; closed.

Switch to OpenGL

If the former approach does not work (or you are bothered by the problem with Aero), try to vary the form out again: this time, select the option from the dropdown menu OpenGL video output , then click Save and restart VLC for changes to take effect


Now try again to open a movie: in this case, the view should be correct


Note that, although the form does not create OpenGL problems in Aero, this could shift the computational load of the GPU to the CPU scehda Video Central, paving the way for some set-backs: I personally did not experience any discomfort on my main PC, but this mode it is rather impossible to set on my old laptop.

If all else fails: enable / disable the overlay

If the two previous methods do not work, try again, each of the two, taking care to enable (or "disable", depending on how the player is currently set) voice accelerated video output (overlay) found in the branch Video (always remember to click Save and restart VLC for changes to take effect)


To you the word!

You've made or the problem persists? tell your experience using the comments below.

See Pictures and Read more : VLC on Windows 7: what to do when the films are "jagged"

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